연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 신진연구자 특별 심포지움 (I)
발표장 401호
논문코드 1L9-1
발표일 2019-10-10
발표시간 13:30-13:55
논문제목 Toward Soft Organic Electronics using Strengthened Graphene Electrodes
발표자 강보석
발표자 소속 성균관대학교
저자 강보석
소속 성균관대학교
논문초록 Recent research in organic electronics has focused on developing next-generation practical soft devices that use graphene materials. However, currently-available graphene materials are too fragile to meet industrial requirements for mass production, but also for use of electrodes in soft organic devices. Therefore, a main challenge in this field is to increase the strength and chemical stability of such material without degrading its electronic properties. Here I will present my recent study about nanoscale organic to strengthen monolayer graphene sheets. I found that alkylsilane molecules can self-assemble on flaws in the surface of graphene and form nanometer-thick patches on them. This process improves graphene’s mechanical durability while preserving its other attractive characteristics. The nano-patched graphene was exploited to demonstrate soft electronic skin sensors and organic field-effect transistors that have superior electrical properties.